Welcome to the amazing world of contact lenses!
Just like eyeglass opticianry you can take contact lenses as far as you want to go.
Just need to know how to choose and sell a box of contacts?
We got you covered.
Just want to pass the basic NCLE?
We got you covered.
Want to start building the foundation to become an independent, in demand, respected, highly paid contact lens specialist?
We got you covered.
1: Introduction To Contact Lenses
1: Introduction To Contact Lenses
Just like it says.
2: A Day In The Life Of A CL Specialist
Bonus Feature!
3: Daily Schedule Example
2: New Opticians & Contact Lenses: By: John Seegers
1: Opticians & Contacts The Basics
Contact Lenses For Opticians
3: Getting To Know Contact Lenses
1: The Soft & Hard Of It
Contact lens jargon.
2: Anatomy Of A Lens
Parts & Pieces Of Contacts
3: Contact Lens Design
Where The Contact Meets The Eye
4: Materials & Terms
So Much To Know
4: Anatomy & Physiology For Contacts
1: It’s All Greek To Me
Determining if someone is a candidate for contacts.
2: The Ocular Adnexa
Anatomy Around The Eye
3: The Pre-Corneal Tear Film
What Makes Contacts Possible
4: The Cornea
Where A Contact Sits
5: The Sclera, Limbus & Conjunctiva
Anatomy Around A Contact
6: Abnormalities
Not Contraindications
5: The Biomicroscope – Slit Lamp
1: Parts Of The Slit Lamp
Done using a slit-lamp or bio-microscope contact lens fit must be perfect.
2: Setting Up The Slit Lamp For Use
Just Like It Sounds
3: Order Of Examination
One Step At A Time
4: Illumination
Its All About The Light
6: The Keratometer
1: Parts Of The Keratometer
Getting To Know You Getting To Know All About You
2: Using A Keratometer
Practice Practice Practice
3: Limitations Of A Keratometer
Not Exactly The Best Tool For The Job (anymore)
4: Auto-Keratometers & Corneal Topographers
The Best Tools For The Job
7: Indications – Contraindications For Use
1: Astigmatism
Why We Need CL Experts
2: Ocular & Lifestyle Indications/Contraindications
What To Look For
8: Soft Contact Lens Wear
1: Soft Contact Lens Materials
2: Contact Lens Modality & Parameters
3: Evaluating Fit
4: Fitting Of Soft Toric Contact Lenses
5: Lens Scribes
6: LARS & Over Refraction
9: Fitting Spherical Gas Permeable Lenses
1: Apical Clearance
2: Lid Attachment
3: Optics For Rigid Lenses
4: Insertion & Assessment – Diagnostic Fitting
5: Subjective Assessment
10: Fitting Toric Gas Permeable Lenses
1: Toric Designs
2: Fitting Philosophies
3: Empirical Fitting
4: Diagnostic Fitting
11: Contacts For Presbyopia Treatment
1: Multifocal Lens Patient Selection
2: Monovision
3: Alternating Bifocals AKA Translating Designs
4: Simultaneous Designs
5: How To Fit & Options For Astigmatism
12: Considerations In Extended Wear
1: Patient Selection
2: Lens Fitting & Extended Wear Materials
3: Adaptation
4: Follow Up
13: In Office Verification
1: Measurements
2: Base Curve – Front Curve
3: Lens Power
14: Contact Lens Delivery & Care
1: Instructions For Soft Lens Wearers
2: Instructions For GP Wearers
3: Contact Lens Care Systems
4: Ensuring Patient Compliance
5: I&R Handouts
15: Follow Up Examination
1: S.O.A.P
2: Subjective
3: Objective
4: Assessment
5: Plan
16: The Need For CL Specialists
1: The Need For Contact Lens Specialists
The world is in desperate need of CL specialists!
2: Break Out Session Mock CE
Mock CE article for you to try.
17: NCLE Basic Exam Prep
1: You & The NCLE
2: NCLE Prep Quizzes
3: NCLE Mock Exam
4: Quiz: Contacts For Opticians