4: Lens Options & Multiple Pairs
The primary role of the optician is to bring money into a store. We do this by selling optical products. Optical products can be thought of as anything above-and-beyond the frame and the most basic CR-39 lens. This includes all lens add-ons and accessories.
Lens treatments are like cars.
I may drive a basic Toyota Yaris, but would prefer a loaded Nissan Altima, yet really want a Ferrari!
You can sell a very basic pair of glasses which will work well and be reliable (a Yaris). You can also sell a basic pair of glasses and begin to add on features to make it a better pair (an Altima). Finally, you can sell the highest end products with every possible add-on (a Ferrari).
1: Lens Treatments
1: Introduction & AR (Non-Glare)
Lesson 1 of 7 within section 1: Lens Treatments.
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Lesson 2 of 7 within section 1: Lens Treatments.
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3: Scratch – Mirror – Fog Free
Lesson 3 of 7 within section 1: Lens Treatments.
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4: Blue Light Control & Therapeutic
Blue Light – Death Ray or Healthy?
Lesson 4 of 7 within section 1: Lens Treatments.
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5: All About Tinting
Tinting – more than meets the eye
Lesson 5 of 7 within section 1: Lens Treatments.
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Lesson 6 of 7 within section 1: Lens Treatments.
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7: Polish
Making the lens edge look great.
Lesson 7 of 7 within section 1: Lens Treatments.
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2: Specialty Eyewear
1: Goggles
Goggles can incorporate an Rx
Lesson 1 of 7 within section 2: Specialty Eyewear.
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2: OTC Readers
To sell, or not to sell, that is the question…
Lesson 2 of 7 within section 2: Specialty Eyewear.
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3: Swim Goggles & Dive Masks
Rx swim goggles and dive masks
Lesson 3 of 7 within section 2: Specialty Eyewear.
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4: Activity Specific & Lens Systems
Lens color and frame design for specific tasks
Lesson 4 of 7 within section 2: Specialty Eyewear.
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5: Clip Ons – Fit Overs – Dry Eye
To sell, or not to sell, that is the question…
Lesson 5 of 7 within section 2: Specialty Eyewear.
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6: Facial Structure
Frames for special situations
Lesson 6 of 7 within section 2: Specialty Eyewear.
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Lesson 7 of 7 within section 2: Specialty Eyewear.
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3: Low Vision
1: Introduction to Low Vision
Low vision is a entire field of its own
Lesson 1 of 5 within section 3: Low Vision.
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2: Causes
You will want to know this stuff even if you never touch low vision
Lesson 2 of 5 within section 3: Low Vision.
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3: Optical Solutions Near & Distance
Low Vision Within Arms Length
Lesson 3 of 5 within section 3: Low Vision.
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4: Non-Optical Solutions
Non-optical ways of helping low vision
Lesson 4 of 5 within section 3: Low Vision.
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QUIZ: Lens Options & Multiple Pairs
Lesson 5 of 5 within section 3: Low Vision.
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