First Of All – Don’t Panic!
You Have To Start Somewhere!
Some guy said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” A wise man once said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step while the journey is only completed when we keep on stepping.” So just keep on stepping!
Introduction to OpticianWorks
Please read me first!
1: Why People Wear Glasses & The Common Refractive Errors
Explanation of why some people need to wear glasses to see clearly.
Where we stop and medical takes over.
How opticians need to think about light.
Explanation of the refractive errors of simple myopia & hyperopia.
Explanation of the refractive errors of simple myopic & hyperopic astigmatism.
Explanation of the refractive errors of compound myopic & hyperopic astigmatism.
Explanation of the refractive error of mixed astigmatism.
Explanation of the refractive error presbyopia.
2: The Math & Science Behind Eyeglass Lenses
Eyeglass prescriptions are written in a unit of measure called a diopter.
All eyeglass lenses are just prisms.
The material a lens is made from has an index of refraction. The abbreviation for an index is n.
DL = D1 + D2
Flat transposition is how we convert a prescription written in one cylinder form to another.
The optical cross is a graphical representation of the powers found on a lens
Snell’s Law allows us to measure refraction.
3: Eyeglass Lens Types & Lens Materials
Sphere, aspheric, bi-aspheric, bi-concave, bi-convex.
Abbe, specific gravity
glass, plastic, mid, high, Trivex & Tribrids
Two more terms to know.
Why DL = D1 + D2 doesn’t work anymore.
Foundation to understanding compensated lenses.
4: How Eyeglass Lenses Can Correct Poor Vision
You will become a bender of light. That is an optician.
When a person’s cornea has two different curves on it we say that person has an astigmatism.
To correct astigmatism a lens will have different power in different places.
Learn how different lenses are used to correct different refractive errors.
How do lenses and prescriptions compare?
How do lenses and prescriptions compare?
How do lenses and prescriptions compare?