If you want to be paid a living wage or better then you will need a set of skills that earn a living wage or better. Don’t think that getting your state license or passing the ABO should entitle you to a certain level of pay.

As mentioned in other lessons, If being an optician was easy and anyone could do it then you would not earn better than a living wage by being one.

It is your special skill set that matters. Real opticians who are successful at what they do go above and beyond the basics. They are craftspeople. They are people who care about what they do and strive to provide a unique level of service to their customers. YES even those working in a big-box store.

No one has the perfect toolbox of skills. We each have strengths and weaknesses in our talents. Just be sure that you recognize yours and work on them to be the very best. If you have the opportunity to learn a new skill, take it.

OpticianWorks is about being a highly skilled craftsperson. Being a great optician is about trying new things. Just like your mom always told you, “You will never know if you don’t try.”

You will also find that the daily life of the retail optician is a heck of a lot more fun if you get to do something interesting and new every once in awhile!

Course Information

Estimated Time: 8 - 16 Hours

Difficulty: Moderate

Course Instructor

John Seegers John Seegers Author

1: The Lensmeter

Has Quiz

2: Understanding How We Work With Prism

3: Verification

Has Quiz

4: Where The Craft In Craftsman Comes From