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Remember this from the Introduction?
“OpticianWorks is different from other optical training sites because I teach that ‘opticianry’ is a business profession, not a medical profession. Your job is to make money, either for yourself or for your employer. Let’s leave the medical care to the doctors. You worry about bringing money in to your practice by being great at what you do, understanding the business, selling the proper materials, providing great service and by making quality eyewear.”
The sale of a pair of eyeglasses to a customer is a business transaction.
The calculations involved in pricing and billing a vision care plan is a business transaction.
Maintaining a frame board and returns and credits is a business transaction.
Correctly pricing up a job is a business transaction.
Dealing with company representatives is a business transaction.
Maintaining the appearance of the store is a business practice.
Get it?
As you grow in the field of opticianry, you may find some message boards dedicated to the profession. If you read them, you are guaranteed to find people who believe that, “If an optician is not part of healthcare, then I’m just a salesman.” To which I say, “And what is your point?” There is nothing wrong with being a salesman. There is nothing wrong with making money. There is great pride in running a successful business. There is great pride in having a unique skill set that others don’t have.
You are a salesman with a unique skill set and education that allows you to sell a specialty product.
I’m going to push you a little here. Do you think it is OK for someone to claim they are a medical or healthcare provider because they passed a multiple choice test with a low passing score? I hope not.
Unless you work with contact lenses, the closest you will come to healthcare is washing your hands often.
Opticians are in business.
Remember these from the Introduction?
So, let’s look at that first sentence again: “Eyewear sales make up well over half of all revenue in the eyecare industry – well over half.”
If you take the time to learn and become a competent optician your position should have tremendous value to your place of employment.
1: What Does Customer Service (Really) Mean?
It is not a slogan or buzzword.
2: Sales
It is all about sales. No sales = No Work
Still the key to sales.
How we say things does matter.
Starting out with visual aids.
Not every optical place is a good fit for the optician you are!
Thought to be the only way to sell eyewear & the key to multiple sales.
3: Business Management
Nothing bad is going to happen.
Optician means so many things.
Your wholesale lab is critical to your success.
How you make money.
You have to give a little and take a little…
You never get a second chance at a first impression!
Things to think about being the “Boss”.
4: Insurance or Vision Care Plans
Vision care plans have many players.
How you play the game!
Roll over, benefit periods, etc.
Getting every last dollar you deserve.
The job is not finished until the paperwork is done.