Optical Industry Resource Center

All these trade magazines provide an excellent way for opticians to keep up to date on the latest in fashion, lens design, and trends. I strongly urge you to sign up to receive them in HARD COPY. You just don’t get the full value trying to read them online.

Last Revised 5/2021

If you know of a site that you think should be here – tell me.

Laramy-K Optical is an exclusively-uncut independent laboratory specializing in digital surfacing, AR coating, and the uncommon. The Laramy-K Optical Lab website provides free on-line education and resouces for eye care providers, presented in a well written and user friendly way.

The Optical Journal Tons of fun, interesting information on optical trends, social media, free education resources. A must stop for all optical professionals wholesale and retail. Formerly known as The Optical Vision Site.
The Optical Journal

T.E.F. The Eyewear Forum Fellow Dutchman Maarten Weidema’s blog-vlog-showcase-fashion show-everything cool about eyewear site. World traveler for all things eyewear check out Maarten!
The Eyewear Forum

LabTalk Magazine offers information for optical laboratory owners, managers and employees with how-to, informational articles. LabTalkOnline features the digital edition of LabTalk, an archive of articles, and the Surfacing and Finishing Guide with product listings for everything from generators to polish. Worth taking a look at so you see “the other side” of the business as well.
Lab Talk

The Opticians Association of America (OAA) (sort of) represents opticianry’s business, professional, educational, legislative and regulatory interests.

The American Board of Opticianry ABO provides a certification exam for opticians recognized by many states. Basic ABO certification shows you have a very basic foundation in opticianry concepts. The ABO does not cover all of America and is not a board of any kind.

NFOS National Federation of Opticianry Schools: Your link to schools that provide college level education for opticianry. If you can combine getting an Associates degree with getting your license then do that!

International Vision Expo [COVID has forced one show being held in Florida in 2021] But – usually- a HUGE show held in NYC in spring and Las Vegas in the fall. Well worth a visit to both.
Vision Expo

Here is a list of social media sites that we like:

I would strongly suggest that you spend some time watching and listening before posting on any of these sites. It is our goal only to support Facebook pages that are helpful and shine a positive light on opticianry.

OptiBoard Back in the Stone Age before Facebook destroyed the world we had forums. OptiBoard is the original optician forum. Still some folks hanging out over there – some of them seasoned veterans with much of value to share. I still send people there for answers!

Facebook Opticians On Facebook Largest optician only FB group. Use it to learn, use it to ask questions (maybe), use it to network, use it make friends in the business, DON’T use it to whine or complain about customers! For every 1 good answer expect 10 lousy ones.
Opticians On Facebook

Facebook Ask the Lab Guy is your chance to connect with the geniuses (really) that run wholesale optical labs. Just don’t expect any warm-fuzzies.
Ask the Lab Guy

Facebook Eyecare Marketing Forum is a group about discussing and sharing ideas about how to market eye care practices.
Eyecare Marketing Forum