OK so you took the big step and got an edger.

Now what?

1) Take your time. You didn’t offer edging last week so don’t feel you need to be offering it this week. Work your way in to it over time.

2) Take your time. Get to know the equipment. Run a lot of basic SV jobs when you have the time to think – not while a customer is waiting.

3) Take your time. Don’t feel pressure to try to run everything in-house. You may still want a lab to run very high powers, very expensive lenses and tricky things like wraps.

4) Take your time. Train staff to run the edger. If you have an edger, anyone calling themselves an optician should be able to make a basic pair of SV glasses for someone, period. I mean that. If you have someone employed as an optician who will not or cannot make a pair of glasses, well, fire them.

Super Crazy Wicked Important: Plano, basic CR-39 lenses with no coatings, bells or whistle are available for about $1.00 a piece. You will need to have some to replace missing or damaged demo lenses. You will also NEED THEM to do test runs before you hit START on a $213 progressive in some quirky frame. If in doubt – check it out first. Call us at 800-525-1247 afternoons Central Time, to order.

INSIDER TIP: Chances are excellent that you will need to cut a rather large hole in the top of your work counter for either a water drainage hose or a vacuum hose. If you are running a wet edger, smear the exposed particle board with a good silicone caulking compound. It doesn’t have to be beautiful but that way if you have a spill it won’t eat into the countertop, causing problems and creating mold.

Hey John what will things look like if I get an edger?

Santinelli provided the OpticianWorks Training Center with various loaner edgers in exchange for general product placement and their products being used in videos on edging. Laramy-K OpticianWorks does not/did not receive financial support or sponsorship money from Santinelli.